スピーチ(ほぼ)全文: マッサン主演、シャーロット・ケイト・フォックスさんインタビュー 2014/11/5

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「マッサン」主演 シャーロット・ケイト・フォックス NHK大阪放送局・プロデューサー 櫻井賢(1) - YouTube
Oh if my parents could see me right now they would be so proud. As I was driving here today in a taxi, I looked out of the window. And there was the imperial palace!
And I thought, "How did I get here?" There are still moments in this journey where I just have to sit back and think, "I can't believe I am doing this!" I'm still here and this is still happening. And same feeling as I walk through the whole way today. I saw all of these great speakers that have come before me.
I really cannot describe to you what an honor it is to be sitting in here today in front of you, and how humbling it is. Just I'm so grateful from the bottom of my heart. Thank you very very much. Thank you. Do you have to translate between...? *Answer seems to be no.
I saw the audition posting almost, gee, almost more than a year ago. And I remember reading in it and it says it didn't have the name of the show, it did not have the Asadora attached to it yet but it was a project the span of life of a woman.  It was a period of piece, meaning that you know 20's, 30's, 40's and onto the 50’s. It would shot in Japan. And as I read it, I thought. Well, that sounds great. I'm never gonna get it. I'm never gonna land something like that. But I still applied (for other auditions).
But I didn't hear anything for very long time. You know, as an actor especially in the States when you are not working you have to make ends meet. I was waiting tables, babysitting... doing just odd jobs any things to sort of keep me afloat and doing theater.
And then about two days before Christmas last year I got an email, asking me if I would come to Japan for a screen test. And I have forgotten! I had let it go. I said "Alright, but here was this email"
It really wasn't real. I sort of thought it must be a joke. But I ran as I remember, I ran to my parents' house I ran into my mom's bedroom. She was still sleeping. Like a three year old I jumped to on the bed and I say, "I think I am going to Japan! Will you read this and tell me if I am going to Japan?!" She read email and said, "I think you are"
So I think only ten days later or something like that I flew to Japan for the first time in my life and I was terrified. I was just terrified. Now we are shooting in the studio every day I am used to it but then I didn't speak a lick of Japanese. I remember walking into the studio by myself. And of course all of the faces now are very familiar. I remember seeing Sakurai san there, his smiling face. ‘Who is this guy?!’
When I auditioned I forgot all the words I was shaking terribly my legs and hands. But I didn't stop acting. I just kept going with English (which) sounds strange, facial movement. Anything that keeps me going until he said cut. And again I remember leaving and seeing Sakurai san's face.
Another thing that I really remember they set out before me all the scripts for 150 episodes on the piano. I think it was to scare people. Really! I think, show that people and they say "This is what we are doing. It's very hard."
I now remember looking at it "Wow that looks exciting!" Of course now I understand what they meant by heart...
This whole process has been continuously the hardest thing I have ever done my life. I can't short-cut record it, I can't lie about it. Everyday, everyday especially in the beginning, everyday was the hardest day of my life.
I don't know how to describe it to people. I guess imagining it you have to get up and do speech like I am doing today but you wake up in the morning and you find that you've forgotten your language. And yet, you still have to get up and make this speech. So you quickly try to memorize the sounds.
That's sort of what was like in the beginning, now of course I have better understanding of the language and I hope one day to become fluent in it.
I dedicated this much of my life to learn Japanese so as [      ] do it right. At the same time it has been the most rewarding thing I have ever done. Now I am a much stronger woman, I am a much stronger actress, I am a much stronger businessman, *businesswoman.
Really I have Japan to thank for that. Japan has given me everything. How lucky I am that Sakurai san saw something special (in me). He was brave enough to take this risk.
I mean, really for NHK to take this on was huge undertaking.
He really had to impress upon them that I was a good choice that I wouldn't run away. I'm surprised they didn't take my passport actually. So I'm very lucky that he believed me enough to impress upon NHK that I would be a good choice.
Now I'm just amazed what they are doing. It's really incredible; they were able to make this piece of art in the most unlikely, and in the most impossible circumstances. Everyday I'm amazed I watch the monitor and how did they make that come alive? How do we understand each other in this scene? But we did.
And it really wasn't until a couple of days ago that I sort of knew big impact the show is having on people. We had an event on BK (plaza) Osaka. We had over 1,500 people come to see us speak. I remember I just walked on the stage. My hands were shaking and my legs. I was so overwhelmed by everyone's kindness and by how much joy they seem the drive from the show.
It was really then that I understood what the Asadora is. And what it means to people. I really understood the duty that I have, to the Japanese people and to my cast mates. From now I really hope that I can do it right by everyone here, by Japan.
